Forum Asie centrale de CFI - Appel à candidatures [kk] [ru]

Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’appel à candidature en anglais et en russe :

The organizer, CFI is a French public agency under mandate of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to foster cooperation in the media sphere around the world and defend freedom of expression, press freedom and media independence.
The Forum’s primary goal is to unite and enhance collaboration among journalists, media experts, and official representatives addressing contemporary journalism issues in Central Asia.

In this regard,it will highlight the crucial issues of disinformation, adaptation to the rapid changes in journalism and audience expansion, as well as security. These phenomena complicate source verification, exacerbate confirmation bias and fuel anti-democratic strategies, underscoring the importance of media literacy and ethical journalism.

Each day will start with a panel session, introducing the day’s topic, speakers, and partners. The second part of the day will feature master classes and workshops, involving group work, discussions, and interactive exercises. Additionally, plenty of network opportunities will be provided to forum’s participants through one-on-one sessions and informal events.

Journalists interested in attending the Forum are encouraged to apply. Selected candidates will receive invitations to participate, with travel, accommodation and per diem expenses covered. This includes participants from outside of Uzbekistan as well as Uzbek participants located outside of Tashkent.

Selected candidates will be contacted byMarch29th by CFI and the French Embassies in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan and Tajikistan.

The anticipated attendance is 150 participants, including approximately 20 journalists from France.

General Information / Общая информация / Umumiy ma’lumot

Full Name / Полное имя / To‘liq ism-familiya

Occupation / Род деятельности / Kasb (Lavozim

Place of Work / Место работы / Ish joyi

Link to your publications / Ссылка на публикации / Nashr etilgan ishlaringizga havola

Link to the media you represent / Ссылка на медиа, которое вы представляете / Siz vakili bo‘lgan ommaviy axborot vositasiga havola

Which languages does your media produce materials in ? / каких языках ваше медиа выпускает материалы ? / Siz ishlaydigan ommaviy axborot vositasi qaysi tillarda materiallar tayyorlaydi ?

What is the target audience of your media ? / Кто является целевой аудиторией вашего медиа ? / Siz ishlaydigan ommaviy axborot vositasining maqsadli auditoriyasi qaysi ?

Date of Birth / Дата рождения / Tug‘ilgan kun

Education / Образование / Ta’lim

Work Experience / Опыт работы / Ish tajribasi

Language / Языки / Tillar


Motivation / Мотивация / Motivatsiya

Why are you interested in participating in the Forum of Journalists of Central Asia ? / Почему вы заинтересованы в участии в Форуме журналистов Центральной Азии ? / Nima uchun Markaziy Osiyo jurnalistlari forumida ishtirok etishdan manfaatdorsiz ?

What is your main topic of interest and why ? / Sizni qiziqtirgan asosiy mavzu nima va nima uchun ?

What are you expecting to gain from attending the Forum ? / Что вы ожидаете получить от участия в Форуме ? / Forumda ishtirok etish orqali nima olmoqchisiz ?

Have you experienced facing a disinformation campaign ? / Приходилось ли вам сталкиваться с дезинформацией ? / Siz dezinformatsion kampaniyaga duch kelganmisiz ?

Which techniques and tools do you use for fact-checking in your practice ? / Какие методы и инструменты вы используете для проверки фактов в своей практике ? / Amaliyotingizda faktlarni tekshirish uchun qanday texnika va vositalardan foydalanasiz ?

Have you had any security and/ or safety concerns related to your work if yes how did you deal with them / Были ли у вас какие-либо проблемы с безопасность, связанные с вашей работой ? / Ishingiz bilan bog‘liq xavfsizlik va/yoki daxlsizlik muammolari bo‘lganmi ?

If yes, how did you deal with them ? / Еслида, токаквыихрешали ? / Agar muammolar bo‘lgan bo‘lsa, ularni qanday qilib hal qilgansiz

Does your media have a strategy for online presence development ? / Есть ли у вашего СМИ стратегия развития присутствия в интернете ? / Siz ishlaydigan ommaviy axborot vositasida onlayn faollikni rivojlantirish strategiyasi bormi ?

Registration / Регистрация / Roʻyxatdan oʻtish

Are you willing to attend all three days of the Forum ? / Готовы ли вы посетить все три дня Форума ? / Forumning barcha uch kunida qatnashishga tayyormisiz ?

If no, specify which days you would like to attend / Если нет, уточните какие дни вы бы хотели посе / Agar yo‘q bo‘lsa, qaysi kunlarda qatnashmoqchi ekanligingizni ko‘rsating

Would you like to be considered to take part in one of the panel sessions as a speaker ? / Хотели бы вы, чтобы вашу кандидатуру также рассмотрели для участия в одной из панельных сессий в качестве спикера ? / Panel sessiyalaridan birida ma’ruzachi sifatida ishtirok etishni xohlaysizmi ?

Dernière modification : 25/03/2024

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